The Qonnect
A platform exploring stories of purposeful life lived across and between cultures and celebrating our common existence and humanity. Hosted by Qali Id, a world traveller, advocate and storyteller, this weekly interview podcast champions the individual story as being the fabric of our common humanity and connecting us to a new way of seeing the world. You will hear everyday people’s stories on identity, culture, lifestyle and purpose as guided by personable, introspective and intimate conversations.
The Qonnect
(#10) Looking Back At Season 1
June 10, 2020
Qali Id
Season 1
Episode 10
In this episode I look back on some of my favourite moments, wisdoms and learning lessons from this season.
This episode will recap on overcoming beauty standards, what inspires one's creativity, overcoming imposter's syndrome, black women in academia and intersectionality, creating for the African audience and removing oneself from anything that doesn't serve you.
Follow my social media's to keep in touch and find out when the next season comes out
Instagram & Twitter: @qaaliciid